Журнальный клуб Интелрос » eJournal USA » №3, 2010
Raw Material |
Use |
Corn, sugar cane, molasses and sorghum |
Ethanol |
Soybeans and other vegetable oils, recycled grease, beef tallow |
Biodiesel |
Second generation (emerging biofuel technologies)
Raw Material |
Use |
Agricultural residue, including corn stover, wheat and rice straw, manure and bagasse (residue from sugarcane and sorghum stalks) |
Methane, cellulosic ethanol, power plant |
Forest biomass, including logging residues, wood |
Cellulosic ethanol and power plant |
Urban woody waste and landfills |
Methane, cellulosic ethanol, power plant |
Herbaceous plants, including switchgrass, miscanthus, reed canary grass, sweet sorghum, alfalfa |
Cellulosic ethanol, power plant |
Short rotation woody crops, including willow, hybrid poplar, cottonwood pines, sycamore pines, eucalyptus |
Cellulosic ethanol, power plant |
Information derived from “The Economics of Biomass Feedstocks in the United States:
A Review of the Literature” by the Biomass Research and Development Board.
(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://www.america.gov)