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INSS STRATEGIC MONOGRAPHR.D. HOOKER, Jr. The Grand Strategy of the United States

National Defense University Press. Washington, D.C. October 2014

09 ноября 2014

The Way Ahead

As we assess a complex security environment, our historical experience provides useful context and guideposts to understanding the present, even when security threats are harder to define and address, as in the case of cyber attacks. U.S. forces are also held to standards increasingly difficult to guarantee; the prospect of even minimal casualties to our own forces or to civilians (however unintentional) or unintended environmental damage now colors every decision in the age of the 24- hour news cycle.

09 ноября 2014

The Ways of Grand Strategy

How the United States addresses direct threats to its core or vital interests over time is the essence of grand strategy. Typically, America’s solutions are not new, although the technologies employed often are. The first principle is to meet the threat as far from the homeland as possible. Thus, since the end of World War II, the United States has established bases, positioned forces, and stockpiled weapons and munitions around the globe, buttressed by economic and development assistance, exercises, formal treaties, coalitions of the willing, and alliances. 

09 ноября 2014

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